Computer protection for your home or small business:
For years in the security business we had customers focus on ways to keep their computer hardware safe and secure and not be stolen physically out the door. Now we are more concerned about theft via the Internet ie out the back door. Here is an article by Avast along with download links. This in my opinion, is better than doing nothing to keep your data safe. Besides privacy and protection concerns on data being stolen, it’s a pain in the butt dealing with software rebuilds on hacked systems, and very time consuming. It could involve notification to clients of a breach all the way to litigation, criminal and civil charges, and costly insurance claims. Just like we target harden with bars, big locks backed up with security systems, consider saving yourself a lot of grief and implement protection on your computers to the highest level that you can afford. Ensure backups are automatic as we get busy. In today’s day and age you simply can’t afford not to!
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